A flower garden for some is not merely a flower bed with a bunch of different types of plants. The owner could add aesthetic values by synchronizing the color, fragrance, shape, and more. This harmony will make the garden looks refreshing and appeal to the hokiku88 visitors. The garden could be the favorite place in your living environment. To build such a garden, here are some steps you can do:

How To Build A Refreshing Flower Garden
How To Build A Refreshing Flower Garden

Identify the spot and the size

As a flower garden attracts most eyes, finding the right position is crucial. Most people locate a flower garden in the front yard as the highlight of the house. Yet, it all depends on each individual’s situation. At least, choose a spot that has enough sunlight, good drainage, and fertile soil. Then, measure the possible planted space. This will influence the layout of the garden.

Decide a theme

There are thousands of flower garden ideas on the internet which you can look up to. Just choose any ideas that suit your style and preference. The theme includes the choice of color. There are plenty of choices of colors like pastels, bright or hot, monochromatic, foliage, and more. You can do some combinations that are appealing like red and yellow, pink and blue, yellow, and purple. Also, you can be more creative by making a color gradation.

Besides colors, another thing that affects the theme is the shape of the flower bed. Well, you can make raised ones or flat ones. If there is enough space to arrange the beds, it is more suggested to shape the beds.

How To Build A Refreshing Flower Garden
How To Build A Refreshing Flower Garden

Find flowers with the desired characteristics

When the theme has been decided, it is time to find the proper plants. Since different types of plants need certain treatment, consider their characteristics. Those include the types of blooming time (seasonal, short-term, annual, long-blooming) and plant types (shrubs, bulbs, vines, and more). Make sure to plant with the same blooming time, so the color result of the blooming time will enchant every eye that looks at them.

Play with shapes and watch out for the heights

Some types of flowers like bougainvillea, rhododendron, and others can be shaped to add more characters to your flower garden. All it takes is just a stake or shaped stake. Vines as for the example can grow following the shaped stake. However, be aware of invasive plants that might dominate other flowers also. Thus, regular cutting is much needed to maintain the refreshing flower garden.

Besides, some flowers grow in immense height. Those types of flowers should be placed in the center as the main point. This could help other plants to not get overshadowed by tall flowers also.

Add some ornaments

Finally, the final touch is adding some ornaments to make the garden livelier and more refreshing. Benches, garden lamps, statues, and others can beautify the flower garden. Those can even define the proposed theme.